August 5, 2012

Writing and the Olympics

**Written on July 31, 2012** I just wanted to write a quick note on the Olympics and what it means to me as a writer. I love watching the Olympics. There is nothing like watching the visual splendor that represents the years and hundreds, if not thousands of…

August 5, 2012

June, 2012 Residency in Review

**This was written on June 25, 2012** Another residency done, one step closer to my MFA journey coming to a close. Just to explain to the one or two people who might be reading this that do not go or have not gone to Antioch University. I am…

August 5, 2012

R.I.P. Ray Bradbury

This post was originally written on June 6, 2012. I have just learned about the passing of writing legend and a true inspiration, Ray Bradbury. When I think of the way I mourn his death, it may seem cold but for me mourning has to be done with…

August 5, 2012

My Adventure at AWP

This post was originally written around March 7-8, 2012 I would like to start this entry with a string of expletives that arise out of excitement but I will try to keep a sense of propriety while I try to capture what this trip was and what it…